Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ponderings aloud on Knowledge

I have had a lot of experience this past year with people in the government, and with careers that require college education sometimes, masters to doctorates. So, with this, I have to say I am not the type to stereotype, so I have to say with that in mind, is there something that happens to SOME  people that the more education they get the more dumb they are? I have seen and heard the most insane, and also idiotic comments from these so called educated people. Now I do know a lot of educated people who are bright and highly qualified, so no one get offended. So here are my ponderings about this.

I know, being Mormon, that we are taught the only thing you can take with you to the next life is what you learn here, so that fancy car or your favorite chair, well it just isn't going with you. But I wonder if some people, feel that because they have a higher education, and there are mucks like me that have an IQ of 154 but choose to stay home, are not that bright and I get patronized. So is it possible that some actually forget to stay humble and realize that you can study and learn your whole life and still not know EVERYTHING. I think this is the thing that annoys me. And that maybe is one of the problems.

I do think it is. And some of the things that have fallen on my ears I have to wonder why doesn't this person have COMMON SENSE because it is the most dumb thing I have ever EVER heard and then how do you reply?

Now I know this is a problem that just goes over the human race in general, but I have been working with people in fields the past year, I don't normally work with, and some I do, and it is the individual. When you stop listening and trying to understand what is going on around you, you can develop tunnel vision, and not see the whole picture. Listen. I have learned amazing things about my AVON independent business from young people just started selling. I could close myself down and say I am doing so wonderful, have a great downline and high sales, so I know EVERYTHING. And then I would fail. I ask people how did you do that? How can I do that? I am willing to learn. Now sometimes I am not I get the I don't give a damn days.

Look at a society as US citizens how we treat our elderly in general, they get old and we stick them somewhere like nursing homes. Treat them like they are past their use. Other countries, revere the older generations, there is a lot of wisdom and life experience. they are cherished and cared for and kept in the family. I have customers that when I have time I love to sit with and hear of days before my time, from people who have lived there and done that. how they survived, things they have learned.

So maybe it isn't the knowledge so much as some feel they are too important and busy to spend that time to learn more. Be humble,listen to your kids, they can teach amazing life lessons. And your spouse, a good debate without mud slinging, is enjoyable, I always come away with maybe my same view and opinion, but much more knowledge, and things to ponder. Well this has been on my mind lately, so I just thought I would ramble it out here.

1 comment:

  1. I worked for the government for almost a year, at the Naval Postgraduate School and saw the same thing happening. I left work every day wanting to bash my head into the wall. Not onlydid they lack common sense,they were MEAN! I had to try so hard not to laugh and dance out of the building when I got laid off...hahaha!!!
