Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Jellybean has been getting an allowance. On Fridays, if she has been doing her best to do her chores, she gets her allowance. But with the excietment of having the cash in hand, she does what most of us do, especially when we were 14. With good intentions, we will go to the store, and she impulse buys. She has handfuls of candy and junk and within a short time is broke again.

Well comething has changed. Jellybean has finally gotten tired of the impulse buys. With a little help from mom, when she finds things and sighs, I tell her she should save her money and she could buy that. Mom does NOT purchase things for Jellybean that aren't needs, and should have been bought with allowance instead of candy. Since then she has found things she wanted and then bought them with her allowance. if it is more than her allowance she saves.

But now she is showing even more maturity. She is "window shopping" when with me. And keeping track of what she wants on her own. When she got her allowance this time, she said, Mom can you take me to Walmart so I can get the pajamas I want? She saw them at walmart and loved them but didn't say anything. So off we went, with some things I needed to get her for school. I drove in my scooter to where she led me to the pajamas. She knew what color right away. And they are OP anc cute! She also is learning prices, she was excited to see the price was 9 dollars. She thought it was 11 dollars becasue she misred the price, the 11 dollars is for plus sizes. So she bought them and had money left over. Here she is proudly modeling her new pajamas she earned herself. Yes the leggings went wth it.

Love, Debstar


Well I wanted to post this last week, but Jellybean is like a butterfly flitting around. always has been and delightful to watch, and frustrating. I think she has alwasy had a boho spirit, with her curly hair flying. Now she is 14, and we have all kinds of things going on with the teenage hormone thing going on. here is my new jellybean "ism" as I call them the silly things she does and says.

Last week I stopped at a Holiday convience store, and gave her a 5 dollar bill. they had 44 oz drinks for 99 cents, I said Jellybean, get me a diet coke, no.....a diet dr pepper or if they don't have it get me a diet coke. Get yourself something to drink, whatever you want, and get me one of those jerkey sticks I like out of the tall jar.

Jellybean comes back and gives me my drink jerkey, and has a Mountain Dew, her favorite. When driving out, I taste mine and say what IS this. "Diet Pepsi". Um, jellybean where did you hear me say that, I said diet Dr Pepper, or Diet Coke. Jellybean "I got the diet part right". Teasingly, like I do, I tell her, well NOW you owe me a dollar so she reaches into the dash, and scoops up a dollar and some change to give me. I said "Hey that is my change." She said "I Know". I said you can't pay me back with my own money" and she giggles. I said I was kidding anyway. But it was funny. She is a funny kid.