Friday, July 29, 2011

Jellybean's Birthday

Jellybean had a very interesting birthday this year. She is now 15. She had a sleepover at her cousin's house, they share the same birthdays. So we had dinner out with her the night before.
We went to her favorite Restaurant, Buffet City.

It was her, Dad and I. here she is with Dad.

and mom, just the three of us.

Orange chicken her favorite, she can eat it day and night.

ohhh dessert. how many can you count? see if you can find the dreamsicle underneath it all.

Surely dad will NOT be out done at the dessert bar.

ohh the cream puff, Who can resist a cream puff?

um, hard to stuff the whole thing in your mouth,but darn it is fun to be a kid, stuffing whipped cream in your mouth.

oopsie, it fell on the floor.oh well that is the way it goes sometimes. :D

Her lion, she LOVES her Chinese lions out front. True love.

home for presents. Now it isn't like she already had a ton of presents. A new Camera, Tickets to go see her favorite singer, Sara Barielles, new clothes from Rue 21.... but you HAVE to have something to unwrap right???

The happy girl. her favorite movies, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Young Frankenstein, a ceramic hair straightener, and of course, in this house Avon: Sentini Rose, and a pair of fresh pearl earrings. And the birthdy party was the next day. She is a very special young lady.

Friday, March 18, 2011

More funny Kid stuff

Kids say the darndest things, and it sure gives me the giggles. here is another I thought I would share this friday. so TGIF everyone!

Kids and Cliches'

I teach fourth grade in Ventura County, California. As a fun

assignment, I gave the students the beginning of a list of

famous sayings and asked them to provide original endings

for each one. Here are some examples of what my students


The grass is always greener when you leave the sprinkler on.

A rolling stone plays the guitar.

The grass is always greener when you remember to water it.

A bird in the hand is a real mess.

No news is no newspaper.

It's better to light one candle than to waste electricity.

It's always darkest just before I open my eyes.

You have nothing to fear but homework.

If you can't stand the heat, don't start the fireplace.

If you can't stand the heat, go swimming.

Never put off 'til tomorrow what you should have done


A penny saved is nothing in the real world.

The squeaking wheel gets annoying.

We have nothing to fear but our principal.

To err is human. To eat a muskrat is not.

I think, therefore I get a headache.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry, and someone yells,

"Shut up!"

Better to light a candle than to light an explosive.

It's always darkest before 9:30 p.m.

Early to bed and early to rise is first in the bathroom.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a blister.

There is nothing new under the bed.

The grass is always greener when you put manure on it.

Don't count your chickens -- it takes too long.


Monday, March 14, 2011

The Children's Bible in a Nutshell

Okay, It has been rough here and I haven't posted for a while, but I had this email sent today, and it was so funny and cute I thought I would post it. Enjoy a laugh, everyone needs one on a Monday!

A child was asked to write a book report on the entire Bible. This is amazing and brought tears of laughter to my eyes.

I wonder how often we take for granted that children understand what we are teaching???

Through the eyes of a child:

The Children's Bible in a Nutshell

In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there wasnothing but God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says,'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that.

Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did.

Then God made the world.

He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't beeninvented yet.

Adam and Evedisobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eatin' .

Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars.

Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel.

Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something.

One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham. Noah built alarge boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they wouldhave to take a rain check.

After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some pot roast. Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat.

Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name wasCharlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egyptand away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable.

God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti.. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments.

These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet yourneighbor's stuff.

Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more:Humor thy father and thy mother.

One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol andthe fence fell over on the town.

After Joshua came David.. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who hadabout 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me.

After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets.

One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed up on the shore. There were also some minor leagueprophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.

After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.')

During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Democrats.

Jesus also had twelve opossums.

The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him.

Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and evenpreached to some Germans on the Mount.

But the Democrats and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead.

Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again.

He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of theAluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I love to Cook!

I have a secret. I LOVE to collect........COOKBOOKS. no kidding, it is a thing I can't resist. I love them all. I read them. I love older ones the best. I love also, ones women collect recipes and make their own, you are getting family favorites. Oh heck, just take me to a yardsale, with cookbooks and I will shake. I am addicted.

To add to it I love to cook and bake. I couldn't wait to have kids and bake all these yummy things for them. So I had kids. Then I found out, trying to keep up with them, I had no time left. Now finally even with health issues, I have begun again, slowly.

I don't have any money (who does with the economy) but getting help with food is humbling, and you learn to do with what you have. The uber best banana muffins I have EVER had were made by my new cousin J, whom I have fell in love with (waving hi J!) She is a strong wonderful spirit in a young body. I will let her share her stuff on her blog. So I made a banana nut bread. without the nuts. Because we have no nuts. And I found out Hero doesn't like the walnuts in his sweet breads. What you learn. So, here is how my bread turned out:

And you see the loaf pan. Yes, I also like to collect older cooking tools, pans and dishes. LOVE it. they are so pretty. Oh I love the older corel bake ware, with the colors, shapes and sizes. And what a deal you can get at thrift stores and yard sales. and how pretty! I tried my hand at a pretty presentation. But that is real butter, yes it is. and it made a huge loaf. I have to tell you it has been one day and it is gone. I didn't get much either. I  had no nuts and they still loved it.  Here is the recipe, it is from "Betty Crocker's Cookbook" 8th printing, 1983.

Banana Nut Bread

2  1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/3 cup milk
1 egg
1 1/4 cups mashed bananas
1 cup chopped nuts

now here is how I put it together, i used an old fashioned wooden spoon to cream, etc, I was too lazy to get out the kitchen aid mixer.

Heat oven to 350. Grease bottom only of loaf pan (I used a generic Pam type spray) 9x5x3 inches or 2 loaf pans 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches. Mix all ingredients. Beat 30 seconds.

I did it by hand and here is how I did it. I mixed the sugars together. I then separately combined the dry ingredients. I altered mixing in first some or the bananas and wet ingredients, then some of the flour mixture, until it was all mixed in really well.

Pour into pans. Bake until Wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean, 9 inch loaf 55 to 65 minutes (you might need 5 minutes more up to 70, I am at a 5500 feet altitude so mine will vary from others). 8 inch loaves 55 to 60 minutes. Cool slightly. Loosen sides of loaf from pan, remove from pan. Cool completely before slicing. to store, Wrap an refrigerate no longer than one week.

Now, I kept it in my wooden bread box, and it didn't last a day but it was yummy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ponderings aloud on Knowledge

I have had a lot of experience this past year with people in the government, and with careers that require college education sometimes, masters to doctorates. So, with this, I have to say I am not the type to stereotype, so I have to say with that in mind, is there something that happens to SOME  people that the more education they get the more dumb they are? I have seen and heard the most insane, and also idiotic comments from these so called educated people. Now I do know a lot of educated people who are bright and highly qualified, so no one get offended. So here are my ponderings about this.

I know, being Mormon, that we are taught the only thing you can take with you to the next life is what you learn here, so that fancy car or your favorite chair, well it just isn't going with you. But I wonder if some people, feel that because they have a higher education, and there are mucks like me that have an IQ of 154 but choose to stay home, are not that bright and I get patronized. So is it possible that some actually forget to stay humble and realize that you can study and learn your whole life and still not know EVERYTHING. I think this is the thing that annoys me. And that maybe is one of the problems.

I do think it is. And some of the things that have fallen on my ears I have to wonder why doesn't this person have COMMON SENSE because it is the most dumb thing I have ever EVER heard and then how do you reply?

Now I know this is a problem that just goes over the human race in general, but I have been working with people in fields the past year, I don't normally work with, and some I do, and it is the individual. When you stop listening and trying to understand what is going on around you, you can develop tunnel vision, and not see the whole picture. Listen. I have learned amazing things about my AVON independent business from young people just started selling. I could close myself down and say I am doing so wonderful, have a great downline and high sales, so I know EVERYTHING. And then I would fail. I ask people how did you do that? How can I do that? I am willing to learn. Now sometimes I am not I get the I don't give a damn days.

Look at a society as US citizens how we treat our elderly in general, they get old and we stick them somewhere like nursing homes. Treat them like they are past their use. Other countries, revere the older generations, there is a lot of wisdom and life experience. they are cherished and cared for and kept in the family. I have customers that when I have time I love to sit with and hear of days before my time, from people who have lived there and done that. how they survived, things they have learned.

So maybe it isn't the knowledge so much as some feel they are too important and busy to spend that time to learn more. Be humble,listen to your kids, they can teach amazing life lessons. And your spouse, a good debate without mud slinging, is enjoyable, I always come away with maybe my same view and opinion, but much more knowledge, and things to ponder. Well this has been on my mind lately, so I just thought I would ramble it out here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Jellybean has been getting an allowance. On Fridays, if she has been doing her best to do her chores, she gets her allowance. But with the excietment of having the cash in hand, she does what most of us do, especially when we were 14. With good intentions, we will go to the store, and she impulse buys. She has handfuls of candy and junk and within a short time is broke again.

Well comething has changed. Jellybean has finally gotten tired of the impulse buys. With a little help from mom, when she finds things and sighs, I tell her she should save her money and she could buy that. Mom does NOT purchase things for Jellybean that aren't needs, and should have been bought with allowance instead of candy. Since then she has found things she wanted and then bought them with her allowance. if it is more than her allowance she saves.

But now she is showing even more maturity. She is "window shopping" when with me. And keeping track of what she wants on her own. When she got her allowance this time, she said, Mom can you take me to Walmart so I can get the pajamas I want? She saw them at walmart and loved them but didn't say anything. So off we went, with some things I needed to get her for school. I drove in my scooter to where she led me to the pajamas. She knew what color right away. And they are OP anc cute! She also is learning prices, she was excited to see the price was 9 dollars. She thought it was 11 dollars becasue she misred the price, the 11 dollars is for plus sizes. So she bought them and had money left over. Here she is proudly modeling her new pajamas she earned herself. Yes the leggings went wth it.

Love, Debstar